Contre le pouvoir de la finance dans le logement et dans les villes. Nous avons décidé d’avoir une vaste campagne qui parle des nombreuses formes de financiarisation et a permis aux groupes membres de faire face à leurs propres problèmes. Il s’agit d’une campagne de sensibilisation comprenant des luttes locales.
Nous définissons la financiarisation du logement comme la transformation complète du logement en biens, non seulement une marchandise sur les marchés immobiliers, mais aussi sur les marchés financiers. Cette transformation permet la spéculation ainsi que la réduction de la fonction sociale du logement, à la fois comme un besoin social essentiel et un droit humain fondamental.
À partir de ce mois d’octobre, les membres vont développer des actions et des matériaux différents seront publiés pour donner plus de lumière sur ce qui se passe dans nos foyers et nos villes qui poussent les gens à en sortir, en refusant notre droit au logement, notre droit de la ville.
Restez à l’écoute!!!
Against the power of finance in housing and in cities. We decided to have a broad-based campaign that talks about the many forms of financialisation, and gave a lot of scope for member groups to push on their own issues. This is an awareness-raising campaign that included local struggles.
We define financialization of housing as the complete transformation of housing into goods, not only a commodity in the real estate markets, but also in the financial markets. This transformation allows speculation as well as the reduction of the social function of housing, both as an essential social need and a fundamental human right.
From this October, members are going to develop actions, and diferent materials are going to be released to give more light on what is happening to our homes, and our cities that is pushing people out of it, denying our right to housing, our right to the city.
En 6 pages, qu’est-ce que la financiarisation du logement? Pourquoi détruit-elle le droit au logement; quelles sont nos revendications?
TO DOWNLOAD IN PDF: In 6 pages, what is financialization of housing; why it is destroying the right to housing; what are our demands. Thanks to all the members of the coalition who came together to do this brochure

Chypre, Nicosie
10 novembre 2017
Manifestation de la Coalition européenne d’action pour le droit au logement et à la ville pour dénoncer la financiarisation du logement et des villes partout en Europe. #HandsOffOurHomes…/campai…/view/handsoffourhomes
Today we organized an action in Nicosia to launch the #HandsOffOurHomes Campaign!
We blocked the Central Cooperative Bank, moved to the EU headquarters and brought our demands to the Parliament of Cyprus.
The Central Cooperative Bank together with Altamira Assets (a private equity vulture fund) is responsible for the sale of thousands of loans and the possible eviction of thousands of families.
This is one of the many faces of the financialization of our houses and cities.
All over Europe neoliberal housing policies are giving way to speculation and leaving millions of people without welfare or rights.
These policies guarantee profit to banks, real estate funds and corporations rather than guarantee us the essential right to live with dignity in our cities.
This produces millions of evictions every year, condemning inhabitants to precarity and poverty while there are millions of empty houses,
We are confronting this phenomena and these policies with our campaign.
We have prepared a brochure that explains clearly the financialization of housing and the city → check it here on our website!
There are our demands:
→ Stop the state sponsorship of banks and mortgages
→ Stop the privatization of public and social housing
→ Support the construction and maintenance of good quality public and not-for-profit housing
→ Stop all evictions
→ Control the private rent system for the protection of tenants’ rights